Epi-Cast: Episode 9 - "Please Insert Clever Title Here."
Recovering from Episode 8's major review deficiency, Cam and Tom return this time packing a double whallop of critical kung-fu. Not only is the Russell Crowe/Ben Affleck pre-WGA-strike-greenlit State of Play covered, but also Seth Rogen's darkly (not) comical Observe and Report. How's that for over-compensation? Want more? How about Cam taking off the gloves and reviewing the hell out of Fast & Furious, Adventureland and Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist? Not enough, huh? Well, Mr. Wytrwal then leaps into action and unloads countless clips of witty intelligence on the post-WWII Disney experimental flicks Saludos Amigos and The Three Caballaros, Matt Damon's The Good Shepherd and NBC's Ian McShane-vehicle "Kings". Toss is an explosive trailer review for Sam Rockwell's Moon and if you aren't good to go you must be flatlining. Wham to the boom!
To download, right-click and save on the green episode title above and then listen/suffer to your dear heart's content.
P.S.: We are also available on da iTunes as well. Simply do a shop search for "Epi-Cast" and CHICO-HARPO!, there we are! Oh, and we're the film-discussion show, not the church-talk one.