Many young people growing up are exposed to certain idols of olde Hollywood which they forever associate with the era's past. Whether it is Judy Garland, Jimmy Stewart or Rory Calhoun, there is an odd sense of magic about them. They lived in a time we, as ignorant youngsters, have no comprehension of. For me, that man was Charlton Heston.
As a wee lad, there was one particular Easter tradition that never failed to elicit indifference from me and my sister. And that was the annual viewing of Ben-Hur. See, my dad attended the theatrical showing of said

What's funny though, is that while the movie (at the time) wasn't a favorite, I had an odd amount of respect for Mr. Heston. There was a seriousness about him that was also sort of inviting. He could be intense and still give off a weird twinkly glow from his eerily sharp blue eyes. The man personified what I would consider "old movie guys", and yet had a sense of timelessness about him.
Flash forward to now (Roughly 21 years later), I write this blog as an impassioned movie viewer, who lives and breathes the history and future of cinema. I've delved through the careers of untold classic actors, gaining great appreciation for so many that the "good ol' days" had to offer, and yet few project the mythical stature that Mr. Heston did.
He was a man who brought authority and immeasurable weight to any project he did. Sure, it’s easy to

His fearlessness in going BIG with those roles signalled his shift from actor into icon. Many imitated his scenery-chewing line deliveries ("SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!", "IT'S A MADHOUSE! A MAAAAADHOUSE!!!"), but that was only a sign that what he was doing was working. I would argue that he became as similar in legendary status as th

What is sad, however, is that with his passing, we have one less classic Hollywood alpha-male archetype around. The age of self-improvement books, irony, and metro-sexuality have all but put a stake in the heart of the rugged type of masculinity that was once a driving force in entertainment. So, the passing of Heston, for me, also symbolizes the further vanishing of a beloved era of artistic achievement.
Heston was a man who worked hard, and fought for his beliefs no matter how controversial. His status as an NRA spokesman unfairly cast a pall over his later years. You show me an 80-year-old who doesn't hold stubborn conservative beliefs and I'll rethink my position on Batman Forever. So, I'd just like to draw as much attention to Mr. Heston's invaluable voice in promoting civil rights,

But aside from all that, he was an impassioned performer who changed lives through his work. He gave us a persona that we could root for not matter what the odds. He was effortlessly strong, while never failing to exhibit an emotional connection with the audience. He was one of the best of the old school Boy's Club, and probably one of the reasons I'm inspired to do what I do to this day. So, thanks for the memories, Mr. Heston, and I'll be sure to introduce my own children to one Judah Ben-Hur... Just like I was so many years ago.
P.S.: Extra special thanks for your beyond brilliant cameo in Wayne's World 2. It's been endlessly quoted and pontificated over by my sister and I since 1993. "One perfect day on Gordon Street...."