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Epi-Cast Episode 1: "Oscar-bation!"
In our bloated behemoth of a podcast debut episode, we fawn over the brilliance of Danny Boyle's Slumdog Millionaire, jeer and throw feces at Australia (the movie, not the country), debate the merits of the Wolverine trailer, and hem and haw over random film topics like Role Models, Blood Diamond, Punisher: Warzone, Man on Wire, Shakespeare on film and Empire's ridiculous "Greatest Film Characters of All-Time List". It's a glib, frustrating, and occasionally offensive trip down the dark pathway of film-geek whimsy.
In our bloated behemoth of a podcast debut episode, we fawn over the brilliance of Danny Boyle's Slumdog Millionaire, jeer and throw feces at Australia (the movie, not the country), debate the merits of the Wolverine trailer, and hem and haw over random film topics like Role Models, Blood Diamond, Punisher: Warzone, Man on Wire, Shakespeare on film and Empire's ridiculous "Greatest Film Characters of All-Time List". It's a glib, frustrating, and occasionally offensive trip down the dark pathway of film-geek whimsy.